Pessoas, Tempo e Rótulos
Saiu mais um belo número do Investment Commentary do Banco Wegelin.
Desta vez, umas boas sobre realistic time management. Vejamos os 3 rótulos:
'Essentially, we can distinguish three types of people by the way they deal with time. The first group attempts to manage its agenda virtually mechanistically. The result is a diary organized with minute-by-minute accuracy, largely dependent on external influences, with very little flexibility for dealing with the unexpected, and often with a similarly meticulous planning of that time which should in principle be freely disposable. Games of golf and tennis are thus also entered in
the diary, as are such matters as “serious discussion with son and heir – 55 minutes”.
The second group are readily identifiable to readers of Alice in Wonderland as “White Rabbits”. They rush into meetings late, and then have to rush out early (due to “other unavoidable commitments”). They register for every possible event, only to cancel at short notice (or not even to cancel – we now have a considerable and unattractive “no-show” culture). They claim that they can manage on four hours sleep, and then can be observed dozing off from time to time, more or less inconspicuously. Their time allocation suffers under their continuously changing priorities. They invariably appear somewhat stressed, and also give the impression that they should be doing something more important than whatever it is they are doing at the moment. This is, among other things, disrespectful.
The third group might be described as “time management artists”. They are the people who, despite extensive calls on their time, always seem to have enough of this scarce good. The ones who appear not stressed, but well rested, who hardly ever arrive late and leave early, who seem to have limitless time and affection for their loved ones, and who always manage to find some reserves for crisis situations. We would all obviously like to belong to this group of sovereign time managers,
and from time to time, we even manage to. But as stress on a daily basis is one of the most frequently observed lifestyles, it is worth giving some consideration to the elements that distinguish an artist in time management. The more so, as consideration of these elements will lead us directly into the matter of the management of businesses and social structures'