23 setembro 2007


'...while Switzerland is linguistically diverse, the component cantons exhibit a high degree of homogeneity in terms of language and religion. This, in combination with the fact that lines of language, religion and economic progress are cross-cutting, has ensured the stability of the Swiss state'

Eric KAUFFMAN National Ethnicity' and the Modern State

'...Perhaps we are entering a new stage in history in which the demographic flaws in liberalism will become more apparent, paving the way for the return of a communitarian social model. This may still leave democracy, liberalism and mixed capitalism intact. But it will challenge modernism, that great secular movement of cultural individualism which swept high art and culture after 1880 and percolated down the social scale to liberalise attitudes in the 1960s. Cultural modernism has accompanied technological modernisation in the west, while the non-western world has usually modernised its technology rather than its values. Daniel Bell prophesied that modernism's antinomian cultural outlook would prompt a "great instauration" of religion as people sought spiritual solace from the alienation of modern life. Bell has so far been proved wrong, but history may yet vindicate him as we bear witness not to spiritual revival, but to a religious reconquista based, ironically, on the nakedly this-worldly force of demography...'

Eric KAUFFMAN na Prospect de Novembro de 2oo6.

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