21 setembro 2007

Os clubes.

'The clubs proper were then limited in number, and Leigh's list contains but eleven. Of these the Albion, Arthur's, Boodle's, and White's, were in St. James's Street; the Alfred and the United Service were in Albemarle Steet, and the Union in St. James's Square. Those that still exist and have changed their venue since 1818 -- the date of this list -- are the Union which went to its present home in 1822, and the United Service which migrated to Pall Mall in 1822, to premises built by Nash. The clubs may be said to have been the focus of much of the west end life of the period, but except in one particular, they can hardly be regarded as centres of amusement'.

E. Beresford CHANCELLOR [1926] Life in Regency and Early Victorian Times - An account of the days of Brummel and d'Orsay 18oo to 185o, London: B.T. Batsford, p.5

imagem: George CRUIKSHANK [c.183o] The Headache.

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