03 novembro 2007

Tão democratas que nõs éramos...

Li hoje um 'statement' da presidência portuguesa do Conselho Europeu sobre uma maifestação sobre os direitos sociais na Bielorússia:

EU Presidency Statement on the Belarus Social March

The Presidency of the European Union takes note that the Social March scheduled for 4 November 2007 was permitted by the Belarusian authorities.

However, the Presidency remains concerned that the Belarusian authorities have detained one of the organizers of the Social March, along with some youth activists.

The Presidency hopes that this March will be allowed to take place in a climate free of harassment and intimidation, as well as in accordance with Belarusian international obligations, and calls upon the Belarusian authorities to refrain from the use of force in the course of the demonstration.

This would show evidence of a more constructive approach by the Belarusian authorities, which would be evaluated favourably by the EU.

Estou certo que José Sócrates e o 'seu' PS saberão dar o exemplo, no caso português...

... embora haja algum cepticismo:

Marcadores: , , , , , , , ,