On Portugal.

I have failed to write more often on Portugal and the Portuguese people.
I do apologise. I now feel the need of sharing this and hope you to understand it from inside or outside. As always, queries or tips are welcome.
Until recently, I was sure that the biggest change in 21st century Portugal would be the end of the generation that lived during the dictatorship period between 1926 and 1974.
I was wrong.
Although part of it is true -- and to dictators, revolutionaries and countrymen a generation of consumers and non-ideologues has followed -- change will be even more difficult.
And this derives from the fact that even the structure previous to the 1974' transition [i.e. the generation pertaining to the 1911' transition, where Republic has been implemented against that of Monarchy] has not ended.
Monarchy has sure ended in political terms.
Notwithstanding, socially we are still in a transition period.
In fact, Portuguese élites are all bonded by family ties which come from the mnonarchy days.
We are all cousins, from north to south, in this little but very ancient country.
Tradition speaks louder whatever we do, because we are not able to change [even if we wish] our family ties.
One of our cousins will always be in the church, in the ministry, in the university, in the military, in the securities commission, in the gym, in a restaurant, everywhere.
This is the fate of a little country. We may not know all our family -- although most of times we do or are able to do so -- but tehre is always a link are no escape possible.
And according to our culture [which extended into the limit would represent something like favouring someone just because he is originary from the same country zone] we always protect our family.
Conflicts are not to be created amongst equals: family is the utmost example of this.
Peculiarly, family ties do create conflicts, especially when decisions are not taken not to prejudice either of the parties. Some call it incompetence, some call it corruption, some call it fear, I call it family ties, tradition and confidence.
That is why I have decided to live abroad for some time. It is the only way of living away from favours or revenge, from not knowing if a door is being opened by merit or by the applicant's surname and / or title, where I can sneeze without fear.
Some say this is a long and difficult way. I want it to be long and it would be more difficult to live in this country which is socially a house of dolls where tempests happen behind your shoulders.
Appart from this, I will always love my country and remain a patriot, for I do not forget history.
Yes you are true. Running away is impossible when you are running from yourself.
This is what tradition and family ties do: they do not simply trap you into a social line, an élite. They trap you into yourself.

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