Afinal, não é só na Bolsa.

'What I'm really after are instant executions. Instant as in less than five seconds, less than two seconds, he clicks as he scores, tight now, instant.
The promise of instant execution is what has made day trading plausible. If you're going to be in and out of a stock in less than a minute, every second counts. Gone are the days when you phoned your order into a broker and he sent it to a specialist on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange and the specialist wrote it down in his book and made the trade when he damn well pleased. When I type my order into the computer I want it done. Now.
There's a catch to instant executions, though; You have to make choices for yourself. This reduces the number of people you can blame when the trade becomes hopelessly messed up'[I]
Isto de facto serve para tudo.
Até para o sexo.
[I]: ANUFF, Joey + WOLF, Gary [2ooo] Dumb Money, Adventures of a Day Trader, London: Methuen, p. ... 69!

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