Mad About Madeira

O 'slogan' de um dos mais recentes leilões na Christie's: vinhos Madeira.
Fica a nota, da newsletter da Christie's sobre vinhos:
By Michael Broadbent
Christie's is very proud to be offering in its 20th February auction at South Kensington, London, unquestionably one of the best collections of Madeira to come on to the market in recent years; certainly the widest range. Every style from rapier-like dry Sercials to luscious Malmsey, with my favourite and most versatile medium-sweet Verdelho and rich Bual or Boal, in between.
Madeira, endearing and enduring, is—with the possible and rare exception of Tokay essence—the longest living of all wines. It has so many facets and virtues. A complex wine which, with sherry and port, was one of the trios of classic fortified wines the English (and Scottish) merchants and entrepreneurs created in the 18th century and shipped in large quantities to Britain and the many British colonies overseas.
In Britain Madeira's richness and strength countered the cold climate and draughty homes. Conversely and uniquely, it was the only wine which could survive the long sea voyages and the heat and humidity of the American colonies, the West and East Indies, and nourish the Garrisons in India. Times have changed but the wines have not.
Moreover, I cannot recall a single bottle, however old, that has not been delicious to drink. It is a great survivor. Further it can be kept upright in virtually any storage conditions and, once opened, will remain fresh and drinkable for several weeks. What more can one ask?
'Fine Old Madeira' was featured in James Christie's first-ever auction in December 1766. Ten years later Christie's auctioned 'a pipe of very fine old high-flavoured Madeira' for the Governor of Madras; the same year that Lieutenant (later Captain) Cook's ship HMS Endeavor called in at Funchal, the capital and main port of the island, to pick up over 3,000 gallons of Madeira for his two and a half years voyage—to prevent scurvy.
Unbelievably, over forty years later, some of the wine left over from `Captain Cook's voyage round the world' was auctioned at Christie's!
Finally, be reassured, one does not have to be an expert to enjoy Madeira. Enjoy, preferably by candlelight, the shades of glowing amber; the wines inimitable, almost overpowering and penetrating bouquet; its richness, concentration and almost interminable length of flavour.
Now is your chance!
Michael Broadbent, Senior Consultant
Wine Department, London
David Elswood, International Head
Tel: +44 (0)20 7752 3366
Fine Wine & Vintage Port
Including a Superb Private Collection of Madeira
Sale 7311
20 February 2006, 3:00 pm
85 Old Brompton Road, London
The Evening Sale: Finest & Rarest Wines
Sale 1771
2 March 2006, 6:00 pm
20 Rockefeller Plaza, New YorkView a Vintage 1795 Madeira in this sale

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