04 novembro 2005

Ah, que maravilha !

Melvin walks back into the apartment and is about to
close the door when Simon has another burst of bravery.

Did you... do something to him?

Do you realize that I work at

(eyes downcast)
No, I didn't.

Do you like to be interrupted when
you are danging around in your
little garden?

No... actually, I even shut the
phone off and put a little piece
of cardboard in the ringer so no
one can just buzz me from d...

Well, I work all the time. So
never, never again interrupt me.
Okay? I mean, never. Not 30
years from now... not if there's
fire. Not even if you hear a thud
from inside my home and a week
later there's a smell from in
there that can only come from a
decaying body and you have to hold
a hanky against your face because
the stench is so thick you think
you're going to faint even then
don't come knocking or, if it's
election night and you're excited
and want to celebrate because some
fudge-packer you dated has been
elected the first queer President
of the United States... and he's
going to put you up in Camp David
and you just want to share the
moment with someone... don't knock
... not on this door. Not for
anything. Got me, sweetheart?

Yes. It's not a subtle point
you're making.

Okay, then.

Melvin enters his apartment and slams the door shut.

É sempre bom recordar. Do script de As Good as it Gets, 1997, filme de James L. Brooks, autor dos Simpsons, realizador de Jerry McGuire, A Guerra das Rosas e afins.